7 Must-Know for those Traveling to Egypt

I had the opportunity to go to Egypt in May 2017 and it was quite the experience! If you are thinking of traveling to Egypt, check out these 7 must-know facts that you should know/mentally prepare for:

1. BEWARE OF STREET FOOD! If you have ever traveled abroad, then you probably know the rule of thumb about drinking bottled water. With street food, you should also proceed with caution. Egypt is an impoverished country so their quality of food is not what you might be used to eating. Also, they might use different spices that you’re not used to. To be on the safe side, buy some Pepto Bismol or visit your local travel clinic for any medicinal recommendations.

You can also download the CDC travel app called Can I Eat This?

Egyptian Yogurt Dip

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The Egyptian Experience

Who hasn’t dreamed of traveling back in time to visit the ancient civilization of Egypt? As a little girl, I imagined the lives of Cleopatra, Nefertiti, King Tut, Ramses (all of them); how did they rule? What would’ve happened if Cleopatra stayed alive and saved Egypt from Roman rule? Complex thoughts from a nine-year old, eh? I was sooooo excited when I finally had enough money saved up to book a trip and finally make my dreams come true. Country #17. Continue reading